
TodaysArt 2010


In 2010, TodaysArt embraces functionality, transparency and community. Following the successes, dramas and repercussions (expected and otherwise) of 2009’s festival CONFLICT, TodaysArt has spent the year reflecting and agitating for new and better questions. What is a festival? What can a festival be? What interventions are effective? What role do we play in the local, national, international community?

TodaysArt has, since its inception, been focused on amplifying the new and mapping out barely existent forms of - and transdisciplinary relations between - art, music and technology. Despite battles with finance, ambition and scale, 2010 promises to be another exceptional year.

TodaysArt will, in the style its notorious for, plug in to the social possibilities of art, sound and technology in The Hague’s urban and public spaces and further to national and international contexts.

For this edition we have worked to bring together widely varied perspectives; a clamour of different voices that address the issues of how we shape our future and what we want our city to be, and that ask fundamental questions about the context of our urban experience: "Who has claims on an authentic and creative cultural life in the city? What is a truly creative city?"

International festival beyond art.
24 & 25 September 2010

Official website:
You can buy your tickets online at





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