Haroen T. Lemmers
- Location Amsterdam
HI! I am Haroen. Named after an Arabian sheik Harun-Al-Rasjid. I dunno. I was three when I left and have lived in the Lowlands for all my life. My second name is Thorin, by the way. Named after a dwarf king in LOTR, Thorin Oakenshield. Fun Fact: I am 1.73 meters tall. Thus far, my life has been pretty interesting, to be modest. Highest peaks, lowest lows, chef, mailman, teacher, father, musician, lyricist, vocalist, painter, sculptor, geologist, geotechnical advisor, and a benevolent asshole. A while ago I decided to jot down my jokes in a very coarse style. Mostly because I would forget the joke if I got distracted by drawing in detail. I briefly considered taping my conversations, but my friends subtly convinced me not to do so. So, comics it is. I approached IAMEXPAT for two reasons: 1) I can only do these comics right when they are in English. I tried once, but connecting traffic cones, stalagmites and stalactites, nakedness and getting home at 4am, proved a bit to difficult. The joke was about how we Dutch pronounce our word for traffic cone. 2) I hoped I could get a shot at this. And now I get to call myself a columnist/cartoonist. I am over the moon.