IN Amsterdam webinar: Education in the Netherlands

IN Amsterdam webinar: Education in the Netherlands

Jun 18, 2024
Free (registration required)

IN Amsterdam is presenting a webinar about education in the Netherlands for international families. IN Amsterdam's partners are experts in working with international residents. During this free seminar, they will answer your questions and explain all you need to know about education in the Netherlands.

Understanding the Dutch education system

In the webinar, parents can learn about preschools and primary and secondary education, as well as bilingual schools, international schools and classes for newcomers. The focus is on schools in the Amsterdam metropolitan area.

The seminar takes place online, not only for newcomers to the city of Amsterdam but anyone who wishes to learn more about the Dutch education system. Sign up for the webinar now!

Amsterdam Education Netherlands seminar

Education in the Netherlands online seminar topics

Here's a brief overview of the topics that will be discussed at the webinar:

  • Preschools and early childhood education (0-4 years)
  • Schooling systems and your choices (4-12 years)
  • The Dutch educational system
  • How to find the right school

Reserve your place

The Education in the Netherlands online seminar is free of charge, but registration is necessary. The event takes place online via Microsoft Teams and a link will be sent to you during the week of the webinar.

Register on the IN Amsterdam website to secure your place.