Whether you have just moved to the Netherlands or have been here for a while, it is good to know about the following organisations and agencies in the Netherlands, as you will inevitably have dealings with most of them during your stay in this country.
Immigration & Naturalisation Service (IND)
The Immigration and Naturalisation Service (Immigratie- en Naturalisatiedienst) or IND implements the immigration policy of the Netherlands. If you want to gain admittance to the Netherlands, the IND is the organisation that will process your visa application and is often your first point of contact.
Dutch Chamber of Commerce (KvK)
Do you want to start your own business in the Netherlands? You will need to register it at the Dutch Chamber of Commerce (Kamer van Koophandel) or KvK. The KvK can also help get your business up and running, as well as promote your new endeavour.
Dutch tax office (Belastingdienst)
The Dutch tax office (Belastingdienst) is responsible for the assessment and collection of taxes, as well as custom and excise duties in the Netherlands. All people who live and work in the Netherlands will have contact with the Belastingdienst, this includes expats as well.
Municipalities (Gemeente)
In Dutch, a municipality, town hall or city council is known as a gemeente. It plays an important role, as it is the third tier of governmental administration in this country. Expats living in the Netherlands will have to register with their local municipality when they first arrive here or when they change address. Read more about what a gemeente in the Netherlands does.
Expat centres
There are quite a few expat centres across the Netherlands. These centres aim to help and advise expats when it comes to matters such as immigration formalities, Dutch language training, Dutch taxation, education and much more. Here is a handy list of expat centres in the Netherlands.
Statistics Netherlands (CBS)
Founded in 1899, Statistics Netherlands (Centraal Bureau van Statistiek) or CBS collects and processes data, publishing it in statistical reports. Statistics Netherlands is overseen by an independent body, which monitors the impartiality, relevance and quality of studies and projects.
Employee Insurance Agency (UWV)
The Employee Insurance Agency Netherlands (Uitvoeringsinstituut Werknemersverzekeringen) or UWV is an independent administrative authority commissioned by the Ministry of Social Affairs and Employment (SZW). If you work in the Netherlands and you lose your job or you can no longer work due to health issues, you will probably communicate with them. For instance, if you are entitled to unemployment benefits, you will need to apply for this at the UWV. .