
Expat centers & Expat desks in the Netherlands

Expat centers & Expat desks in the Netherlands

Expat centers & Expat desks in the Netherlands

  • IN Amsterdam provides a one-stop-shop service for international companies and their highly skilled migrant employees. IN Amsterdam (formerly Expatcenter Amsterdam) was one of the first schemes of its kind in the Netherlands to cut the red tape for internationals and assist in the process of settling in.

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  • The Expat Centre Leiden provides a warm welcome to expats who live and work in the Leiden region. They help internationals to find answers to questions about the issues you will deal with when settling in the Netherlands.

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  • The Hague International Centre (THIC) is the Expat Desk for international staff, and their families, of international organisations, companies and institutions located in Delft, Den Haag (The Hague), Leidschendam-Voorburg, Rijswijk and Wassenaar.

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  • Rotterdam Expat Centre, the one-stop shop for expats and internationals in Rotterdam, are happy to assist you with the immigration formalities and the registration process free of charge.

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  • Utrecht International Center provides a warm welcome to internationals who live, work or study in Utrecht Region. They offer a number of free services designed to advise and assist internationals during their arrival and stay in Utrecht Region.

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  • The aim of the Expat Center Twente is to provide information to companies in the east of the Netherlands and their highly skilled international employees. The Expat Center Twente also offers an orientation tour through Twente, Dutch language training or assistance with taxation and looking for a house. 

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  • The Expat Center Food Valley offers a wide range of services and information to help internationals to settle and "find their way" around the Food Valley region. The Expat Center Food Valley also offers services to companies and organisations who are hiring or hosting foreign professionals.

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  • At Holland Expat Center South, expats can obtain regional information about procedures, housing, taxation, finance & insurance, education & careers, personal & social needs, culture & leisure and much more.

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  • At Holland Expat Center South, expats can obtain regional information about procedures, housing, taxation, finance & insurance, education & careers, personal & social needs, culture & leisure and much more.

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  • At Holland Expat Center South, expats can obtain regional information about procedures, housing, taxation, finance & insurance, education & careers, personal & social needs, culture & leisure and much more.

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  • The International Welcome Center North (IWCN) is a one-stop shop for international people in Groningen, Friesland and Drenthe, offering services related to residence permits and municipal registration, practical information and referrals to reliable service providers, and networking activities.

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