Managing your wealth while living abroad, free seminar in Eindhoven

Managing your wealth while living abroad, free seminar in Eindhoven

Mar 14, 2018
7.30pm to 9.00pm
The Hub for Expats, Vestdijk 25, 5611 CA
Registration required

Beacon Financial Education is offering a seminar on managing your wealth while abroad.

About the seminar

“Wealth Management Strategies” is a new financial awareness seminar hosted by Beacon Financial Education. The seminar discusses the financial challenges American expats, US connected persons and internationals face while living abroad, and focuses on the various opportunities there are when they start to take control of their financial health and commit to creating a strategic wealth management plan. 

Since in 2010 the United States enacted the Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act, many Americans living overseas as well as US connected persons were faced with an additional layer of financial challenges, causing many of them concern. BFE’s seminar will cover the ins and outs of FATCA, tax reporting, compliant investment options and wealth management. 

When planning for your – and your family’s – future there are options available that you might not have considered, or that you are even not aware of. 

Get control of your financial health!

During this seminar an independent financial advisor from the Beacon Preferred Partner Network will explain ways to manage your wealth as an expat, so you can start making the well-informed financial decisions you and your loved ones deserve, that can greatly assist in fulfilling your dreams.

About Beacon Financial Education

Beacon Global Group Europe's division Beacon Financial Education’s aim is to provide individuals with the education and necessary information they need for financial control, stability and simplicity.

They offer a wide range of services to help expatriates become (more) financially literate, so they can make decisions that will help them achieve their financial goals. With online tools, self-help guides, whitepapers, monthly newsletters and local financial awareness seminars they inform Americans, US connected persons and internationals about wealth management, retirement and investment strategies.

Last year they welcomed hundreds of expatriates that wanted to learn more about how to organize their finances, investment options and portfolio management and US FATCA at their seminars throughout the Netherlands.

This Spring their financial awareness seminar discusses wealth management strategies for expats, an updated presentation to further educate those who want to have a sophisticated knowledge of how to manage their wealth, including creating an investment portfolio. 

Register for one of their upcoming seminars.

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