
Schiphol is seeing more noise pollution despite quieter aircraft being flown

Schiphol is seeing more noise pollution despite quieter aircraft being flown

Schiphol Airport has seen more noise pollution despite airlines flying quieter aircraft into and out of the airport, according to the Human Environment and Transport Inspectorate, which has been studying the effect of different aircraft types on noise pollution.

Smaller aircraft being used on flights to Amsterdam

According to the inspectorate, planes have actually become six percent quieter overall since 2018, as smaller aircraft have been used more frequently on flights to Amsterdam. This is the case in particular for small and medium-haul flights. 

Despite this, residents who live in the houses that surround the Schiphol Airport have made more complaints about noise pollution in the years since quieter aircraft have been introduced. According to NOS, heavy freight aircraft are reported in particular. Local residents report this more often, especially when they fly over in the evening, and large passenger aircraft also generate many complaints from local residents too.

Many Dutch MPs are keen to cut flight numbers

As a solution to the issue, the outgoing Dutch government had planned to reduce the number of flights taking off and landing at Schiphol. Outgoing Minister Harbers planned to reduce the number of 500.000 flights per year to 460.000 flights per year, though this cut has still not been made possible. 

Airlines, foreign governments and even the EU have criticised the plans to reduce flights out of the Dutch airport. The Dutch courts also ruled earlier in 2024 that the government does not do enough to protect local residents from noise pollution - the government is yet to decide how to act on the verdict.

Thumb image credit: oliverdelahaye /

Emily Proctor


Emily Proctor

Emily grew up in the UK before moving abroad to study International Relations and Chinese. She then obtained a Master's degree in International Security and gained an interest in journalism....

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