
Dutch senate approves bill scrapping temporary rental contracts

Dutch senate approves bill scrapping temporary rental contracts

The Dutch upper house has approved a bill scrapping temporary rental contracts, making permanent rental contracts the norm once again, after the introduction of temporary contracts less than a decade ago in 2015. 

Temporary rental contracts scrapped due to housing crisis

Initially, temporary rental contracts were introduced as a measure to combat the housing shortage across the Netherlands, with its proponents arguing that landlords would be able to rent their homes out to short-term migrants or students, thus creating more housing

Ultimately, the plan backfired, argue the politicians who pushed forth the bill to scrap temporary rental contracts - pushing rental prices up, and reducing the security of tenants by not giving them the same rights as permanent tenants, argue the politicians who pushed forth the bill to scrap temporary rental contracts. 

Scrapping of temporary rental contracts passed through the senate with ease

The plans to scrap temporary rental contracts passed through the senate with ease, with 112 of 150 possible votes in favour. The senate vote comes several months after the lower house (Tweede Kamer) voted to scrap temporary rental contracts, and now means that the norm will be permanent contracts for those looking to rent in the Netherlands (with some exceptions).

Despite its popularity, a number of parties were not in favour of the bill to scrap temporary rental contracts. The BBB, VVD, JA21, and FvD voted against cutting the contracts, arguing that private individuals should get a say as to how long people can stay in their property.



Emily Proctor

Former Editor at IamExpat Media.

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