
Learn a new language at the historic Regina Coeli Institute

Learn a new language at the historic Regina Coeli Institute


Have you ever been told to “go to the Nuns” by a Dutch person? If you’ve never heard of this phrase before, it is commonly used in the Netherlands because it is believed that the best place to learn a language is at a convent. 

In 1963, the "Nuns of Vught", who ran a girls’ boarding school in North Brabant, were inspired to open their doors and develop their state-of-the-art language lab for adults, which is known today as The Language Institute Regina Coeli.

Learn a new language with Regina Coeli

The first students of the Nuns of Vught

Christian missionaries were the very first students to be taught by the Nuns of Vught. These missionaries achieved such remarkable results with their language lessons that it was not long before ambassadors and diplomats followed their example and found their way to the nuns as well.

The language institute, now known by their more recent moniker Regina Coeli, is celebrating its 60th anniversary this year in 2023. It has been 120 years since the congregation settled in Vught, but the history of the nuns stretches back even further than that - to the 16th century to be exact.


A rich history

In 1597, Alix le Clerc, together with canon regular Pierre Fourier, founded an educational congregation in what is now the French region of Lorraine. Alix was from the wealthy bourgeoisie and wanted to give meaning to her life by educating girls in the region, regardless of religion, wealth, or position. The congregation, which had focused entirely on education, flourished for three centuries, until the French government decided in 1903 to strictly separate religion and education.

The nuns from Lorraine, having lost their raison d’être (purpose), fled France. A number of them were welcomed by the community of Vught in North Brabant, where they soon built a convent and established a girls’ school.

One of their strengths - because of the international character of the congregation - was that those nuns were native speakers of a variety of languages and could teach students their native tongues.

Regina Coeli's unique approach

The sisters at Regina Coeli approached adult education in pretty much the same way they had approached educating the girls of their boarding school, using considerable personal attention, a precise schedule and lessons given in a tranquil environment. Everyone was welcome, because - as the sisters had agreed - the language institute had to be a worldly institute, above all. In this way, they carried on in the spirit of Alix le Clerc.


A modern-day language institute

Regina Coeli has developed over the years into the renowned institute it is today; the perfect place to learn to speak a foreign language well in a relatively short period of time. While you are no longer taught by the lovely nuns, you are still taught by native speakers from all corners of the globe.

You receive intensive one-on-one lessons from a dedicated team of trainers whose sole aim is to help you fulfil your personal learning goals. In addition to your individual lessons, you work on assignments that are personally selected for you by your trainers. There is also time for independent study and socialising with other like-minded students.

Amenities while you learn

What is more, a professional catering team prepares healthy meals - using fresh, locally sourced products - for you from Regina Coeli’s own kitchen. Good food provides the energy you need for such an intensive learning process.

In addition, students have the opportunity to stay in private rooms at the institute and are able to enjoy the peaceful environment that is highly conducive to learning, away from worldly distractions.


Regina Coeli’s diverse community

Finally, because of the many different nationalities at the institute in Vught, it has a uniquely international flavour that enables students to learn easily from and with one another.

If you would like to improve your skills in a foreign language, the teachers at Regina Coeli would be happy to welcome you to their institute!



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