
Meet Airbnb, join IamExpat Soirée & get rewarded!


Airbnb, sponsor of the IamExpat Soirée - June 2011, is a global network of accommodations offered by locals around the world.

Planning a trip? Do not stay at a hotel. Airbnb is a fun, safe way to experience the world's most unique properties in 184 countries around the world.

 13.000 cities
 181 countries
 1,6 million nights booked
 350 million miles travelled
 275.000 Airbnb App downloads
 25 million Social Connections

airbnb collage

Special offer
Airbnb offers all IamExpat Soirée - June 2011 attendees travel vouchers up to €75!

For travellers
Planning a trip or summer vacation?
To receive a 25 travel voucher:
 Visit Airbnb & bring a printout of a place you would like to stay
 Sign up & bring a printout of your profile

For homeowners
Make money by renting out your place. Your apartment will pay for itself!
 To receive a 50 travel voucher, list your space & bring a printout of your listing

Printouts should be submitted to one of the Airbnb representatives at the IamExpat Soirée - June 2011




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