
ACM Vastgoedmanagement Nijmegen

Oranjesingel 58 - 6511 NX
ACM Real Estate is close to the market. A big experience in the real estate sector and a thorough knowledge of the region ACM Real Estate is an important player when it comes to real estate issues in the entire eastern region of the Netherlands. ACM Real Estate, Member of the NVM, is engaged in purchasing, selling and rental of residential and commercial Real Estate also Acts as an intermediary between Experienced Eigenaar and tenant.

ACM Real Estate offers an attractive package of services to which flexibility, knowledge, expertise and specialization are the main pillars. ACM Real Estate has a reputation for being a reliable and solid firm with a traditional but fresh and innovative look at the brokerage. A paradox perhaps, but it does show that tradition and innovation can be called decent and one breath and the importance of customer always comes first.

ACM Real Estate provides supplies to various areas within the brokerage, below you can read more detailed information through this different Areas.