
Coronavirus press conference: Country slowly reopening

Coronavirus press conference: Country slowly reopening

At the coronavirus press conference of Wednesday, May 6, Prime Minister Rutte and health minister De Jonge announced the government’s plans to slowly reopen the country, step-by-step:

Basic rules

The basic rules are as follows:

  • Keep to the 1.5-metre distance rule
  • Avoid crowds
  • Work from home as much as possible
  • Wash your hands often
  • Do you have flu-like symptoms? Stay home! Are you also having trouble breathing and / or do you have a fever? All family members must stay home.

Step 1: May 11, 2020

  • Primary schools are to reopen.
  • “Contact” professions can be carried out again (hairdressers, nail salons, driving instructors etc.), by appointment only. Face mask not compulsory.
  • Libraries are to reopen.
  • Non-contact sports can be practised again (tennis, golf etc.). Competitions not allowed.
  • As a test, 25 nursing homes will be allowed to have visitors again.

Step 2: June 1, 2020

  • Public transport will run again according to the normal schedule. Face masks compulsory (non-medical).
  • Secondary schools to reopen.
  • Terraces will reopen. Everyone needs to be seated at a table and keep the obligatory 1.5-metre distance.
  • Restaurants, museums, theatres and cinemas can reopen. Max. 30 people. Reservations needed, as well as adhering to the 1.5-metre distance rule.
  • Everyone who has coronavirus symptoms should be able to be tested.

Step 3: July 1, 2020

  • Holiday parks and campsites are to reopen, including public sanitary facilities.
  • Restaurants, theatres and cinemas can have a max. of 100 visitors. Reservations needed, as well as adhering to the 1.5-metre distance rule.
  • Churches, mosques, congress centres and crematoriums are allowed 100 visitors. This also includes weddings.

Step 4: September 1, 2020

  • Sex clubs, saunas and casinos to reopen.
  • Contact sports can be practised again and gyms are to reopen.
  • Certain events and competitions will be allowed, terms and conditions will apply.

Large events

The government has not yet made a decision when it comes to holding large events, such as festivals and concerts. This decision will likely be made before September 1.


Travelling is still restricted to essential travel only. Easing up this rule will also depend on other countries.

Working from home

The NOS reports it is likely that working from home will remain the norm for the rest of the year, as well as keeping a 1.5-metre distance from others, washing your hands and coughing in your elbows. However, the message of the Dutch government of “stay home as much as possible” has been changed to “stay home if you have symptoms”.

Manja van Kesteren


Manja van Kesteren

Managing Editor at IamExpat Media. Manja studied English and Creative & Professional Writing at the University of Wolverhampton in the UK. She has been working as a content editor and...

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