
Get prepared for the B1 integration exam

Get prepared for the B1 integration exam


With the level of the inburgering exams going up to B1 level, the popular guided self-study platform has published new courses to help candidates prepare for the exams. The courses provide full preparation for all of the exams without the need for books or fixed classes, and make it possible to study wherever and whenever it is convenient for you.

Bart Nawijn

Dutch teacher Bart Nawijn helps you prepare for the integration exams through his guided self-study courses.

Guided self-study was created by Dutch teacher Bart Nawijn with the objective to provide a more pleasant and effective way to prepare for the exams. “I realise that studying for an exam costs time and it is not something you do for fun. For that reason, I have tried to create guided self-study courses to make the whole integration exam process more convenient,” Bart says. “I am really happy to see that the courses have been helpful for quite a lot of people.”

Since its publication in October 2020, over 7.000 people have studied the courses: “It’s been very exciting to receive feedback from so many exam candidates, saying that the courses have been helpful for them.” Even complete beginners have managed to pass all of their exams after studying the courses for just a few months.

How do the courses work?

The platform provides courses for all the exams (reading, listening, writing, speaking, and KNM). The language courses all have the same logical setup. In the introduction, you quickly learn how the course works and receive general information about the exam, so you know what to expect. You will then work through the vocabulary and grammar sections to make sure that you have enough knowledge and skills to start practising with exam exercises. The exam exercises include the explanation of correct answers and perfect sample answers.

After you have completed the exam exercises, you can move on to the final stage of the course: the practice exams. Here you can test yourself and see if you are ready for the official exam.


The courses have a logical structure and provide guidance through lesson videos.

Personal learning support

In each course, students are guided through Bart’s lesson videos in which they learn helpful exam skills and receive valuable information about the exams. “In the courses, you will learn the language skills and knowledge for B1 level. However, even people with a good level of Dutch are sometimes overwhelmed by the exams because they are surprised by the exam format. That’s why I try to make candidates more familiar with the exams through videos by explaining, for example, about the different question types they can expect and how they will be graded.”

Besides the lesson videos, students can also receive learning support through email from Bart from, who answers quickly and in detail. “Whenever I answer emails from students asking for help with their studies, I always try to explain the issue to them as clearly as possible”, he says. “This is something that I really enjoy and it’s always nice when you receive an email back from a student saying: Thanks, it’s all clear now.”

From A2 to B1

The Dutch government has decided to bring the level of the integration exams up from A2 to B1 level for most newcomers, so they can better participate in Dutch society and on the job market. To find out which level applies to your personal situation, it is recommended to contact IND or DUO.

The B1 exam is not a new exam. It is better known as Staatsexamen 1. Candidates normally take this exam for better job opportunities, educational purposes, or simply for personal development.

“With a B1 level of Dutch, you can really start expressing yourself and interacting with people,” Bart says. “The difference between A2 and B1 sounds small, but it is actually quite big. With B1 you can express yourself independently in your daily life. It just makes living here a lot more interesting and fun.”

B1 course

Through the exercises in the B1 courses, you will learn to express yourself independently in daily situations.

Register now

Interested in the new B1 courses offers? Register now! For more information, email



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