
Want to improve your results at work and home? Stop working hard!


Ever felt things in your life are not yet quite how you want them to be? Feeling pressure because of difficulties reaching those company targets? Or knowing your private life is suffering because you don’t get back from work until late in the evening?

And while you know it doesn’t help your marriage when you get your work laptop out at home, you can’t see any other way to get everything done. Sound familiar?

Doing more of the same never works

A lot of us are aware that we are caught in no-win situations like this, but the way most people try to get out is by working the same way, only harder.

Remember the quote "keep doing what you always did and you will get what you always got?" We all know in theory that really making a change never involves working harder, because that just means we are doing more of the same.  If you want to create different results in your life, change the minute-to-minute choices you make.

How to handle the fact that working environments are more demanding? 

The reality is that employers are placing ever-greater demands on their employees. They expect increased productivity, greater customer focus, better sales results, self-driving teams, greater personal accountability... the list seems endless. And the result for a lot of us is an experience of being increasingly overloaded and a sense of never quite catching up.

So how to cope as the pressure builds up? The problem with simply working harder is that we never discover the power of our own personal leadership but find ourselves in survival mode.

We get caught, reacting to every problem as it hits us, but unable to step out and take the lead. And while we may read or dream about creating the life we want to have, life gets the better of us.

Thrive rather than survive: Communication For Excellence

This was why How Company developed the Communication For Excellence training program, being offered on October 24, 25, 26 and November 11, 2016.

It is designed for employees and managers who want to thrive rather than survive in demanding environments. To take the lead in their own life whatever it throws at them.

In a nutshell, what it does is bring you to really use your full talents and potential, enabling you to navigate life and work with more ease, confidence and effectiveness. 

We hide our natural leadership

One phenomenon that keeps us working hard has to do with the following: a lot of professional people consciously or unconsciously adopt certain attitudes and behaviors they think they need in order to create results.

Julia Sullivan

It is a gentle and often very understandable form of pretense. This pretense is not only tiring, it kills creativity and intuition and can create distance in relationships with others.

Successful people don’t pretend. They are authentic and open, which leaves them more energetic, gives them more personal presence and makes them more able to connect with others.

In the Communication For Excellence program you will discover your own authentic form of personal leadership and start trusting it enough to make pretending a thing of the past.  

October program details

Dates: October 24, 25, 26 and November 11, 2016.
 Location: De Baak Seaside, Noordwijk aan Zee
 Price: 2.855 euros ex VAT.
 Accommodation: 670 euros ex VAT, including accommodation for two nights, meals and drinks.

Read testimonials about How Company’s training programs.

More information

How Company offers a range of other (tailor-made) programs in the Netherlands and abroad.

For more info, contact Alessandra Morabito:
Tel: +31 (0)20 506 20 90, +31 (0)622892537

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