
[Podcast] What's Up Amsterdam


What’s Up Amsterdam is a fast-paced, entertaining and totally candid roundup of what’s up in Europe’s most exciting city, independently produced and presented by podcaster Nate Tytor and public radio host Jonathan Groubert!

What’s Up Amsterdam is a 15-20 minute podcast, released every Monday informing its listeners of restaurants, concerts, events, hidden gems and anything else that Jonathan and Nate think you need to know about.

If it’s fun, fancy or funky Nate and Jonathan will make sure you're in the loop, if you live in Mokum, or you’re visiting for the first time, WUA is an indispensable roadmap of the canal city.

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Waht's Up Amsterdam

About the hosts

 Jonathan Groubert

Married, kids, likes heavy metal and show tunes. Has lived in Amsterdam for two decades and has seen the city go from decadent to decent and back again.

Jonathan was born in Brooklyn, New York and, yes, he knows New York was once New Amsterdam. So please, don’t tell him that again. No, really, don’t.

 Nate Tytor

Not married, no kids, likes stand up comedy, punk rock and hip hop. Born in Wisconsin, grew up Portland, Oregon and settled in Amsterdam in 2011.

Nate makes and edits short films and podcasts. He lives with his girlfriend Tiffany and a dog named Andrew Jackson. He has opinions on damn near everything except celebrity gossip.

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