
Dutch politicians consider allowing ban on undemocratic parties

Dutch politicians consider allowing ban on undemocratic parties

Dutch politicians are making moves they pledge will shore up the Netherlands’ democratic principles by creating checks and balances for political parties standing for elections in the country. The new Political Parties Act will allow the Dutch Supreme Court to dissolve a political party if it does not encompass the fundamental principles of the democratic rule of law.

Dutch government seeks to crack down on radical fringe parties

The proposed legislation seeks to crack down on fringe parties and radical groups and was put forward after a 2018 recommendation by a state commission on the Dutch parliamentary system. The move also comes amidst widespread public concern about radical parties and the legalities of sourcing party funding. 

Political parties will be overseen by a new political parties authority, where parties, including those in government, will have to show documentation relating to their finances and party funding sources. The watchdog will also monitor how, where and to whom Dutch political parties advertise. 

Draft legislation also seeks more funding for regional and local parties

As part of the new legislation, politicians also want to dedicate more funding for local and regional political parties. In total, the bill pledges 25 million euros in subsidies to help remove the disadvantage that local and regional political parties have compared to national political parties. 

“36 percent of voters opted for a local party in the most recent local elections,” Minister Hugo De Jonge said in a statement. “Subsidising them would allow them to perform their task better.” After the Dutch Council of State has debated the bill and its contents, the legislation will then be sent to the Dutch lower house for further discussion.

Thumb image credit: Jeroen Meuwsen Fotografie /



Emily Proctor

Former Editor at IamExpat Media.

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