
Start exploring your personal culinary journey

Start exploring your personal culinary journey


Are you passionate about food and cooking? Maybe you're interested in becoming a creative professional in this field, or perhaps you simply wish to improve your culinary skills? Look no further - start your culinary journey with the Basic Cooking Skill Course at MBO College Centrum in the centre of Amsterdam!

Excited to take the next step in your culinary journey? Sign up now!

The Basic Cooking Skills Course in English

The Basic Cooking Skills Course is intended for adults who want to grow their confidence in the kitchen by building new skills and honing their culinary instincts. This 15-week course is given in English with like-minded people and is taught by several teachers.

Basic Cooking Skills Course English kitchen 1

What will you learn during this course?

This 15-week training course covers the basic principles of professional cookery. During this course, you will become familiar with many different core culinary skills and basic cuisine preparations. You will learn correct knife handling techniques while you prepare a range of dishes using vegetables, meat and fish. You will gain an awareness of the principles of balancing and combining flavours as well as how to present dishes in an appetising way.

This course will also give you the skills to work in a clean and efficient way; a solid base so that you can confidently create dishes in a professional manner.

How is the course designed?

The curriculum is designed to equip you with the basic practical knowledge you need to improve your culinary skills. The Basic Cooking Skills Course is a hands-on practical class which is held in professionally equipped kitchens. You will also receive theory regarding the core skills and techniques. This supporting theory is completed in your own time. What’s also important to know is that the course takes place once a week after working hours, giving everyone an opportunity to excel and nurture their passion for cooking.

The course teachers are professionals with working experience in the culinary industry and teach culinary courses in the regular curriculum. Naturally, every dish you have made that evening can be taken home, so you can enjoy your creation with your family, friends or alone, of course!

What do you need to enroll?

The only things you will need to buy yourself are:

  • A chef's uniform (white chef jacket, black chef trousers, apron, chef's hat or cap)
  • Kitchen shoes (firm, with non-slip sole)
  • A knife set

If you already have these products, great! If not, don’t worry, the course can assist you in acquiring the above-mentioned articles. Above all, MBO College Centrum is looking forward to your enthusiasm and eagerness to learn everything about the culinary world! Did you know that some of their alumni are famous chefs like Ron Blaauw?

Basic Cooking Skills course kitchen teacher

Basic Cooking Skills course costs

The costs for this course are 1.899 euros. You are able to pay the course costs in three instalments of 633 euros.

What will you get at the end of the course?

Besides all the wisdom and your carefully gained skills, you will receive a ROCvA certificate as proof of your participation when you have completed the course. Besides the Basic Cooking Skill Course in English, MBO College Centrum also offers additional courses available in Dutch.

Moving forward from the Basic Cooking Skills Course, you are able to enroll in the Advanced skills Culinary course. Do you have professional experience, and do you wish to have your accreditation to the Dutch requirements? Check out their courses Koken in de Horeca and Leermeester-training.

Do you have an interest in baking? With the Basic skills Baker or Basic skills Pastry Chef courses, you have the opportunity to excel your skills to a professional standard. Currently, these courses are given in Dutch. However, please do contact MBO College Centrum for possibilities on English courses.

For an overview of all the available adult courses, please click here or send them an e-mail!

Register now!

Please note: the course only starts twice per school year, in February and in September - and only if there are sufficient registrations. To register, send them an e-mail:

Basic cooking skill course english amsterdam

About ROC van Amsterdam, MBO College Centrum Contractonderwijs

MBO College Centrum is the Intermediate Vocational Education (MBO) institute on the Hospitality and Culinary industry. Based in the city centre of Amsterdam, they offer (regular) education courses within the culinary, hotel management, baking, tourism, hospitality and events sector. As educators, they’re proud to be the steppingstone for young adults in their journey to higher education.

They also offer a wide and flexible range of training courses for adults. From short courses and MBO certificates to fully recognised MBO courses - online, in class or a combination of both - with a team of professional and committed teachers to guide you to become a valuable and future-proof professional on the market or simply to encourage you in your passion.



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