
Have the courage to start a business

Have the courage to start a business

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Practica Consulting offers a variety of life coaching programmes, tailored to help you take that next step in your career, or to help you find your way to a more purposeful life. 

Fear is just an emotion. We forget that when we let it paralyse us and keep us from the things we really want in our lives. Fear comes from the thoughts you have about your situation. But what if you transformed that fear into action? Motivation? Where could that take you?

Stop waiting

Moving to a new country takes courage, and starting your own business is no different. It takes planning, research and then action. It doesn’t matter if it’s a success or a failure, what matters is that you didn’t let fear get in the way of moving forward.

What other thoughts and emotions are standing in your way? Maybe you’ve been laid off, or work has slowed down, maybe you just moved to the Netherlands and don’t have a network, you’re worried about money or you are home with the kids and don’t have time... Maybe you’ve been using the quarantine to think about what you really want to do, googling, “how do I find my purpose?”

You might feel more self-awareness, but you still can’t get unstuck. You dream of great things for your life and career, but you stop yourself before you start, you keep reflecting and searching and making excuses and waiting. Waiting until all of this passes.

Stop waiting. What’s next doesn’t have to be perfect. But it does need you to take action. Have the courage to start. 

Your circumstances don’t create emotions

It’s easy to believe that all of those thoughts about our situation are facts. That it’s the pandemic that’s making us scared about starting a business. That it’s because you lost your job that you’re worried. But it’s the thoughts about your circumstances that are creating the emotion.

“I can’t start a business now, it won’t be successful.” “I’ll never find another job.” The good news is that although you can’t control your circumstances, you can control your thoughts 100% of the time.

Don’t judge yourself, just be curious and realise that this is the first step to transforming yourself from someone who is stuck to someone moving forward to their future self.

Consider how coaching could help you

Coaching takes you from the baseline and elevates you to places you’ve never been. A life coach can help get you out of your head and propel you into action to get you to a place where you can thrive in any and all aspects of your life.

Want to know more about how a life coach can help you? Visit the Practica Coaching website and book a session, or contact Jaime Gennaro

Jaime Gennaro


Jaime Gennaro

Jaime Gennaro is a business coach and growth consultant, host of the podcast Business for Humans, and founder of Practica Consulting, a company focused on helping people find more joy...

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