
[Autumn 2014] ACCESS e-zine


ACCESS e-zine is a quarterly lifestyle publication written for and by the international community in the Netherlands. The e-zine is published four times per year and aims at enlightening, informing and connecting all international expat readers.

About ACCESS Autumn 2014 e-zine

Main theme: Music - the international language

International e-zine ACCESS takes a different turn as summer morphs into autumn with a collection of articles surrounding an integral part of culture and exchange: music. 

Music and sound are certainly diverse and play elemental roles in many individuals' lives. From the organisation of festivals for communal enjoyment to the therapeutic capabilities of sound to its ability to assist in learning a language, music is an important and multifaceted cultural component. 

Through texts that include an interview with organiser Richard Morris, a piece by blues lover Sue Lawrence and insight into language learning from Emmy McCarthy amongst others, ACCESS highlights how music transcends national boundaries!


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ACCESS is a not-for-profit organisation that supports the international community in the Netherlands.

It is staffed by an enthusiastic team of around 115 volunteers from more than 35 countries, all of whom are trained to provide comprehensive information, advice and support, and are empathetic to the experience of internationals.




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