
Child benefits to increase

Child benefits to increase

The government has announced that it will increase child benefits (kindgebonden) for low and middle income families in 2017.

The Minister of Social Affairs and Employment, Lodewijk Asscher stated, "I’d like everyone, now that things are going a bit better, to notice it in their pockets. That includes families on low and middle incomes. They could use the support."

How much can families expect

As part of the Prince’s Day (Prinsjesdag) budget, 130 million euros has been made available per year. This will be distributed to around 800.000 low or middle income families across the Netherlands.

The budget will affect the first and second child only with a maximum increase in 100 euros for each. That would mean that the benefit for the first child would reach a maximum of 1.142 euros a year, with 898 euros for the second child.

In total, both amounts equate to a maximum of 2.040 euros in total per family with two children, and those that have more, will get an additional 285 euros per child.

This benefit is for all parents in the Netherlands who have children under the age of 18 years. It is also in addition to the Children’s Allowance (kinderbijslag).

Families with two earners

For families with two earners, there is also a childcare allowance (Kinderopvangtoeslag) in addition to an income tax reduction, and health insurance premiums for parents that qualify.

Other benefits available

You can find out more about other tax benefits and the welfare system in the Netherlands here.

Kiri Scully


Kiri Scully

Raised a global citizen, to an Irish father and American mother, Kiri has lived and worked in five countries over three continents. Fuelled by culture curiosity at an early age,...

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