
Improve your Dutch or English this summer at The BSN Language Centre

Improve your Dutch or English this summer at The BSN Language Centre


Various needs can motivate people to learn a language. You may want to learn Dutch or improve your English skills if, for example, you'd like to be able to communicate better with your Dutch or English colleagues. Or you may want to start a new career in teaching English.

These are just a few of the many reasons you may wish to take a course at The BSN Language Centre in The Hague.

Learning Dutch

For employees new to the Netherlands, learning some Dutch is essential.

For companies that want to make a solid investment in their employees, The BSN Language Centre offers an In Company Dutch course.

For individuals, the Language Centre offers a wide variety of Dutch courses, from Beginners to the NT2 exam/advanced level.

English at Work

English is becoming an important language in the Dutch workspace - it's the language of international business and has, therefore, become increasingly important.

"In countries where English is not a native or official language, over two-thirds of employers say that English is important for their business," according to a research paper of Cambridge English.

The same report stated that there was much to gain in this area as there is also a 40 percent skill gap between the actual skills of employees and the required English language skills.

This is where The BSN Language Centre steps into the picture! They offer a variety of English courses focused on the business environment:

Business language courses

In Company English
Business English in the Evening
Private English Lessons.

Summer Intensives Dutch or English in July

If you wish to boost your English or Dutch, BSN Language Centre's 2-week Summer Intensive is just what you are looking for! For two weeks in July, you'll be able to immerse yourself in the language. Because of the concentrated period of study time, you will really boost your skills. 

If you need to prepare for the IELTS Exam to enter university, or you'd like to see if teaching English as a foreign language (TEFL) is for you, then one of the English Summer Intensives would be suitable!

BSN summer school

Likewise, if you just wish to learn some basic Dutch or if you are preparing for the NT2 Dutch exam, one of the Dutch Summer Intensives would be a good choice.

Summer School for children (5-16 years)

Children and teens aged 5 to 16 can join The BSN Language Centre's very popular English Language Summer School in July.

The wide variety of morning language lessons and afternoon activities will improve their language skills, whilst the international environment will help them make friends easier.

During the Summer School, The BSN Language Centre aims to develop children's confidence in speaking English by emphasising communication and advancing the student's vocabulary and cultural understanding. 

Summer School dates

The dates of Summer School 2017 are:
First week: July 24 - 28 
Second week: July 31 - August 4

Children can attend either one week or both weeks of Summer School - whatever suits your schedule best! The BSN Language Centre provides an early drop-off and late pick-up service, starting at 8am in the morning and ending at 4.30pm in the afternoon.

More information and registration

For more information about any of these courses or to register for any other course on offer, please visit The BSN Language Centre website, or contact them at:
› Telephone: 070 315 4080
› Mail:




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