Stop fighting with your children - free parenting presentations in English

Stop fighting with your children - free parenting presentations in English

Jan 18, 2024
Verhulstlaan 21, 3055 WJ,
Online or on-site - Free (registration required)

We want to have harmony at home, love and laughter, but also structure, tidy bedrooms, things in place and kids taking responsibility for their actions. Please! Raising kids in a third culture is challenging (where's the village?). Parenting is not easy and we all feel frustration because we are not as effective as we'd like to be.

So, bring on the experts! Nord Anglia International School Rotterdam (NAISR) is hosting the second series of their parent education presentations with parenting experts from around the world, but local to the Netherlands. The best part? All of them are free!

Bring harmony, love and laughter to your home

On January 18 and February 8, we will be equipping parents to "Decode Power Struggles at Home" and learn about "Building Blocks to Conscious Parenting". Here's where you'll acquire skills to set firm limits and still maintain goodwill, express your anger without being hurtful, use alternatives to punishments and resolve family conflicts peacefully. These will be delivered by parent coach, Shruti Kumar. 

In March you can learn how to "Develop real confidence in your kids - with specific praise" (not the "you're-so-smart" type), and in April, we'll learn about "Teaching kids self-control and delayed gratification" (avoid distractions and temptations, something even us parents need!!) by child and adolescent psychologist, Stephanie Baumgarten-Kustner.

Information about the upcoming presentation

Here is what you need to know about the next upcoming presentation:

  • What: Decoding Power Struggles at Home
  • When: Thursday, January 18 from 8.30am-9.30am
  • Where: Verhulstlaan 21, Hillegersberg, 3055WJ, Rotterdam (near The Hague / Rotterdam airport)
  • Cost: Free (registration required)
  • Presented by: Shruti Kumar (parent coach)
  • Register for free on the NAISR website

Parent Education Presentations at NAISR

Parent education presentation dates

Add these dates for the second series of parenting presentations to your calendar:

  • January 18: Decoding Power Struggles at Home 
  • February 8: Building Blocks to Conscious Parenting
  • March 7: Cultivating Confidence in Kids with specific praise
  • April 18: Teaching Kids about Self Control & Delayed Gratification 

Register for these free parent education presentations on the NAISR website.

Sign up now

Yes, you can stop fighting with your children! Sign up for the free parent education presentations in English on the NAISR website or send an email to