IN Amsterdam Job orientation workshop

IN Amsterdam Job orientation workshop

Apr 06, 2023
IN Amsterdam office, World Trade Center Amsterdam, I-Tower, Strawinskylaan 1767
Free (registration required)

IN Amsterdam is giving a free job orientation workshop for internationals who have moved to the Netherlands. At the workshop, IN Amsterdam will help newcomers to navigate the Dutch labour market for expats in the Netherlands, and help them improve their CV and cover letter.

Job orientation and the labour market in the Netherlands

Whether you’ve landed in the Netherlands for love, adventure or work, your career and its development are likely to be on your mind. What do you want? Where do you fit into the grand scheme of things? What should you work towards? It requires a combination of getting to know the local job market and figuring out how you fit in. That’s why this workshop looks at both career development and settling into life in the Netherlands. What can you expect?

Topics will include job orientation, improving your CV and application letter, the Dutch job market and habits to simplify your life in the Netherlands. Find out more about the job market at IN Amsterdam’s job orientation workshop and tackle key issues about Dutch employment and the social aspects of working in the Netherlands. 

Job orientation workshop programme

Here's an overview of the speakers and topics at the job orientation workshop:

  • Axel Kornatz and Omar Almani from EURES will present a job orientation programme on how to find work in the Netherlands, including writing a CV and motivation letter for Dutch employers. 
  • A recruiter will then make a short presentation about the Dutch labour market, the situation in different sectors, the skills that are in demand and other trends and insights. 
  • Speakers will give information about career consultants and language schools in the IN Amsterdam network.

Register for free

This job orientation information session is free of charge, but registration is necessary, so go to the IN Amsterdam website to secure your place.