IN Amsterdam - IT orientation day

IN Amsterdam - IT orientation day

Dec 07, 2023
IN Amsterdam office (first floor), WTC Amsterdam, I-Tower, Strawinskylaan 1767,1077 XX,
Free (registration required)

Are you considering starting a new career in the IT sector? It can be challenging to know what you need to do and whether it will be worth investing your time and money into an unfamiliar future. Come along to the IN Amsterdam IT orientation day to find out if an IT retraining trajectory is right for you in the Dutch labour market. 

What to expect at the IT orientation day in Amsterdam

IN Amsterdam has teamed up with IT training centre, Techgrounds - which focuses on retraining and upskilling - to bring you an inside look at the IT job market. You’ll learn about retraining opportunities, providers, costs and admission requirements, and also explore the possibilities of a future in the IT field. 

Here is an overview of the programme for the IN Amsterdam - IT orientation day event:

  • Welcome and introduction to the seminar
  • Introduction to the IT job market
  • Experiences of a career switcher with Q&A session
  • Presentations by IT training providers
  • Breakout sessions with various training providers
  • Closing

IN Amsterdam IT orientation day seminar

IN Amsterdam survey on internationals in high-demand work sectors

Some sectors experience more demand for staff compared to the talent available, and IN Amsterdam would like to know if internationals based in the Netherlands are interested and able to work in these fields. The sectors analysed are construction and technology (including energy transition), IT and logistics.

People with or without experience in these sectors are invited to complete the survey. The results will be kept confidential and used to determine whether and how IN Amsterdam can create opportunities for internationals in these sectors.

Take the survey: 

Sign up for free

Reserve your spot for the IN Amsterdam event. The seminar is free, but registration is required to guarantee your place.