
Perfect Rembrandt painting created with 3D printer and computer

Perfect Rembrandt painting created with 3D printer and computer

A brand new Rembrandt painting was recently unveiled in Amsterdam. While it looks like an authentic Rembrandt painting from the 1600s, it was actually made with a 3D printer.

Using complex algorithms and facial recognition technology, the next Rembrandt painting is based on 168.263 tiny parts from all 346 known Rembrandt paintings. The end result consists of no fewer than 148 million pixels and 13 layers of paint-based UV ink in order to achieve a similar painting texture as the 17th century Dutch master.

It took the team of data scientists, developers and Rembrandt experts 18 months to create The Next Rembrandt. It was a collaboration between ING, Microsoft, TU Delft, Mauritshuis and Rembrandthuis.

Thomas Lundberg


Thomas Lundberg

Born as a Swede in the Netherlands, this life-long expat has spent his time in Belgium, the United States and Amsterdam. He began his professional career as a regional news...

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