
Amsterdam in Top 10 cities to visit in 2013

Lonely Planet has named Amsterdam the second hottest destination in the world to visit in 2013! Each year, the revered travel guide publisher ranks the top 10 countries, regions, and cities to visit during the coming year, based on feedback from their staff, authors, and online community.

Amsterdam has previously been singled out as a desirable destination, for example by respondents to the Amsterdam Visitors Survey 2012, who gave the city an overall rating of 8,1 out of 10, and the MasterCard Global Destination Cities Index, who ranked Amsterdam among the top 20 most popular tourist destinations worldwide.

However, 2013 will be a particularly special year for the Dutch capital, as it marks:
 the 400th anniversary of Amsterdam’s canals
 the 125th anniversary of the Concertgebouw
 the 175th anniversary of the Artis Royal Zoo
and several other major milestones.

Top 10 cities to visit in 2013
 San Francisco, US
 Amsterdam, Netherlands
 Hyderabad, India
 Derry / Londonderry, Northern Ireland
 Beijing, China
 Christchurch, New Zealand
 Hobart, Australia
 Montreal, Canada
 Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
 Puerto Iguazu, Argentina

Top 10 countries to visit in 2013
 Sri Lanka
 South Korea
 Solomon Islands
 Dominican Republic

Which city or country would you like (or planning) to visit in 2013?

amsterdam canals

Carly Blair


Carly Blair



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