
5th Annual DoGooder Non-Profit Awards

5th Annual DoGooder Non-Profit Awards

The 5th Annual DoGooder Non-Profit Awards are on! Nonprofits that made a video in 2010 showing all the great work they did for their important issues (health, arts, environment, human rights, disaster relief etc.) have the chance to participate, gain exposure and win prizes.

The DoGooder Nonprofit Video Awards are presented by See3 Communications and YouTube, with support from the Case Foundation, Flip Video and the Nonprofit Technology Network.

Unfortunately, at this time, only nonprofits registered in the US, Canada, UK and Australia can submit videos. A bit unfair for the rest of the world, don’t you think?

Charalampos Sergios


Charalampos Sergios

Sergios is a co-founder of IamExpat. His main interests include online communities and long exposure photography.

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