
Rent assessments saved Dutch renters 433 euros a month in 2023

Rent assessments saved Dutch renters 433 euros a month in 2023

Rent assessments, conducted by Dutch housing authorities, saved applicants an average of 433 euros on their monthly rents in 2023, according to figures from the Rent Assessment Committee and Housing Association, reported by Pointer

Few people apply to have their rent reduced

Despite the strong incentives, few people choose to have their rent contract assessed for the possibility of a rent reduction, for fear of not having their rental contract renewed or not wanting to start a conflict with their landlord. Only 469 people chose to have their rent tested by the Rental Committee, out of the approximately 100.000 tenants that signed a lease in the private housing sector in the Netherlands in 2023. 

According to the Rental Committee, many people are afraid to risk losing their accommodation when there is such a housing shortage, so tenants often simply pay their rent, even if they know it is over the price of the accommodation. Any private sector tenant can take their rental agreement to be checked by the Rental Committee for up to six months after the initial signing of the lease. 

Committee found 313 rents out of 469 were too high

Of the 469 rental agreements submitted to the Rental Committee, 313 were found to be too high, and the committee ordered the landlord to reduce the rent. On average, the committee reduced rents by 433 euros per month for tenants, but they have the power to reduce rents to below the social housing limit if necessary. 

In 2024, the social housing limit is set at 880 euros. The Rental Committee usually undertakes reductions below this limit in smaller properties, especially those in larger Dutch cities as they are frequently overpriced.

Thumb image credit: Wolf-photography /



Emily Proctor

Former Editor at IamExpat Media.

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