
5 ways to avoid getting scammed when looking for a place in the Netherlands

5 ways to avoid getting scammed when looking for a place in the Netherlands

For some, getting scammed may sound like something that will never happen, but for others, this is an all too familiar situation and probably brings back painful memories.

We can probably all remember the urgent feeling of needing to find a place in our new Dutch city. Maybe you were starting a new job or studying in the Netherlands, or maybe something else completely. But don’t forget: some things are too good to be true, and not everyone out there genuinely wants to help you out.

Avoid getting scammed in the Netherlands

Here are some ways to avoid getting scammed when you are searching for a place in the Netherlands.

1. If it looks too good to be true, it probably is!

You’ve found the perfect place in the centre of Amsterdam. An apartment shared between you and one other person, with a private bathroom and gigantic living room for just 400 euros a month. For some, this may seem like a lot of rent and thus only fair that you get so many facilities in return.

Well, sorry to burst your bubble, but for such an apartment in Amsterdam, you can expect to pay much, much more. House prices and rental prices are at record highs, so this is a case of “too good to be true” and most definitely a scam. It’s not that you won’t find affordable accommodation; it’s just that for such a low price, you will most likely have to compromise on many of the points on your “dream accommodation” list.

So, if the accommodation advert you are looking at lists a price that is low for its location and size, or the pictures look like they have been taken of a hotel room, DON’T TRUST IT!

Tip: If you're not sure what prices to expect, you can always check the costs of similar places in the neighbourhood.

2. Don’t sign on the dotted line before you’ve seen the place IRL

Don’t let the supposed landlord pressure you into signing a rental contract before you have seen the place and met them. Often, scammers will tell you that you need to sign NOW; otherwise, the place will go to the many other people interested. Ask for some time to think matters over and read the contract the landlord wants you to sign very carefully.

Once you have signed the rental contract, you are legally bound to it. So, make sure you prevent unpleasant surprises: view the place, meet the landlord and read the contract carefully before taking things any further.

Tip: Only rental contracts written in Dutch are valid here. They may have an English translation in the appendix, but the contract you sign should be in Dutch for it to be legally valid. 

3. Don’t pay a deposit to “secure” the house

Again, don’t be pressured into paying a rental deposit before you have seen the house, met the landlord, have the keys, etc. And be especially wary if the landlord asks you to pay them via Western Union or MoneyGram. In these cases, you can be almost certain your money is not going to end up where you expected and it is likely that you will never hear from the “landlord” again after your money has left your account.

For some scammers, receiving your deposit won’t be enough. Some are greedy, and even though they have received your money, they will try and play you a little longer by saying they have not received your money and you should send the deposit again and if they receive the first amount you sent, you can just use the second amount to pay the first month’s rent.

If you transfer the money via the online banking service from your bank account using an IBAN number, there is nothing the bank can do to get your money back - by transferring the money, you basically give consent and can’t change your mind later. That being said, don’t pay in cash, as this is extremely hard to trace.

Tip: A legitimate landlord can ask for a deposit but never “money for the keys” - this is actually illegal.

4. Don’t trust a copy of a passport and don’t send yours

If you are on the cautious side, you may have asked for the landlord’s passport as proof of identity, especially if he is “not able” to meet you - excuses often range from family emergencies to being on holiday. A passport is definite proof of his identity, right? WRONG! That passport is probably stolen or fake. One more trick to get you to send your money to them.

Speaking of passports, don’t send yours! Some “landlords” will ask you to send them a great deal of personal information and documents, such as a wage slip, work contract and copy of your passport. With these documents, the scammer can commit identity fraud and get you in a lot of trouble.

5. If they can’t prove they are the owner, they probably aren’t

You’ve received a passport from the so-called “landlord” but are still not 100 percent convinced, so you decided to ask for documents proving their ownership of the house. They say that these documents got lost. This should be a glaring red flag!

Asking who the owner is and whether you can speak to them and see their ownership documents is a good idea, even if you only ask to see how they react. Another sign that the “landlord” in question may be a scammer, aside from the fact that they won’t agree to meet with you, is that they won’t talk to you on the phone. The most obvious reason? They are not who they say they are.

At the end of the day, if you have any doubt whatsoever, DON’T send money to the person you are speaking to!

Good luck and stay wary!

Having had a first-hand experience with being scammed, this IamExpat editor wishes she’d known these tips before getting ripped off. If you have been the victim of a scam, report it to the police ASAP. This way, you may prevent others from falling prey to the same scam. Don’t forget, if it's too good to be true, it probably is!

Mina Solanki


Mina Solanki

Completed her Master's degree at the University of Groningen and worked as a translator before joining IamExpat. She loves to read and has a particular interest in Greek mythology. In...

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