Direct daytime trains between Amsterdam and Basel scrapped after 96 years
Direct daytime trains between Amsterdam and Basel scrapped after 96 years
20.04.2024 by Jan de Boer
Dutch politicians consider allowing ban on undemocratic parties
Dutch politicians consider allowing ban on undemocratic parties
19.04.2024 by Emily Proctor
More than 85.000 bikes were stolen in the Netherlands in 2023
More than 85.000 bikes were stolen in the Netherlands in 2023
19.04.2024 by Emily Proctor
Dutch children’s TV station hacked to play Russian propaganda
Dutch children’s TV station hacked to play Russian propaganda
18.04.2024 by Emily Proctor
An essential guide to mental healthcare in the Netherlands
An essential guide to mental healthcare in the Netherlands
18.04.2024 by Nicole Ogden
Dutch trains to stop on April 20 in protest of abuse towards NS staff
Dutch trains to stop on April 20 in protest of abuse towards NS staff
16.04.2024 by Emily Proctor
Your guide to understanding financial jargon and the market
Your guide to understanding financial jargon and the market
16.04.2024 by Edward Mainwaring-Burton
Strong winds, storms and hail cancel Dutch flights and high-speed trains
Strong winds, storms and hail cancel Dutch flights and high-speed trains
15.04.2024 by Emily Proctor
Amsterdam public transport will be free for children until 2025
Amsterdam public transport will be free for children until 2025
15.04.2024 by Emily Proctor
What is a provisional tax assessment? The pros and cons
What is a provisional tax assessment? The pros and cons
15.04.2024 by Viviënne Wormsbecher
Dealing with micro-stressors when moving to a new country
Dealing with micro-stressors when moving to a new country
12.04.2024 by Belinda Mountain
The ins and outs of Dutch culture: Your guide to integration
The ins and outs of Dutch culture: Your guide to integration
09.04.2024 by Michiel Delmonte
Dutch municipalities want facial scans to be done for identity documents
Dutch municipalities want facial scans to be done for identity documents
09.04.2024 by Simone Jacobs
Experts: If everyone lived like the Dutch, we would need four Earths
Experts: If everyone lived like the Dutch, we would need four Earths
07.04.2024 by Emily Proctor
Richest and poorest Dutch people are mixing less
Richest and poorest Dutch people are mixing less
06.04.2024 by Emily Proctor
EU driving tests will soon include the Dutch Reach
EU driving tests will soon include the Dutch Reach
05.04.2024 by Emily Proctor
Parts of the Netherlands could reach 24 degrees celsius this weekend
Parts of the Netherlands could reach 24 degrees celsius this weekend
03.04.2024 by Emily Proctor
ING: Open an account with the go-to bank of the Netherlands
ING: Open an account with the go-to bank of the Netherlands
Never filed US taxes in the Netherlands: What you need to know
Never filed US taxes in the Netherlands: What you need to know
02.04.2024 by Nathalie Goldstein
April 2024: 5 things expats in the Netherlands need to know
April 2024: 5 things expats in the Netherlands need to know
01.04.2024 by Emily Proctor
Amsterdam’s local government wants to introduce integration courses
Amsterdam’s local government wants to introduce integration courses
29.03.2024 by Emily Proctor
Participate in the survey about the 30% ruling in the Netherlands
Participate in the survey about the 30% ruling in the Netherlands
Easter weekend could see some sun (and rain!) across the Netherlands
Easter weekend could see some sun (and rain!) across the Netherlands
28.03.2024 by Emily Proctor
Number of homeless people reaches 30.000 in the Netherlands
Number of homeless people reaches 30.000 in the Netherlands
27.03.2024 by Emily Proctor
Avoiding double taxation as a US expat living in the Netherlands
Avoiding double taxation as a US expat living in the Netherlands
The Netherlands is the 6th happiest country in the world in 2024
The Netherlands is the 6th happiest country in the world in 2024
22.03.2024 by Emily Proctor
Hay fever season hits the Netherlands as spring arrives
Hay fever season hits the Netherlands as spring arrives
20.03.2024 by Emily Proctor
Measles outbreak in Eindhoven as authorities urge vaccinations
Measles outbreak in Eindhoven as authorities urge vaccinations
18.03.2024 by Emily Proctor
Expat guide: 7 things to consider when moving to the Netherlands
Expat guide: 7 things to consider when moving to the Netherlands
18.03.2024 by Sarah Missoum