
The Netherlands sees first frost and snow of 2024

The Netherlands sees first frost and snow of 2024

The Netherlands has seen its first frost and snow of 2024, with several Dutch cities getting a small sprinkling since Monday morning. In parts of the country, the weather has been cold enough for outdoor ice rinks to open so that people can enjoy skating, 

Dutch weather set to be cold this week

As anyone who’s been outside in the last few days will tell you, the temperature’s gotten chilly here in the Netherlands. In Amsterdam on Monday, the weather is set to see a high of -1 degrees Celsius and a low of -4. 

The weather is not set to start getting warmer again until around Thursday or Friday this week, when temperatures across the country are expected to reach up to around 5 or 6 degrees in the Randstad area, and around 4 degrees in the north of the country.

Cold weather, but little rain expected

Despite the cold weather, there is not much precipitation expected over the coming days. While in some areas there has been a flurry of snow, the country is not expected to see much in the way of rain or other precipitation in the coming days, with dry, sunny and cold days ahead. 

In some parts of the country, people have been taking to the ice to enjoy the weather. Several well-maintained natural ice rinks have opened, such as the rinks in Doorn in Utrecht and De Lier in Zuid-Holland.

Thumb image credit: Mariadouwma /



Emily Proctor

Former Editor at IamExpat Media.

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