
The Netherlands needs more organ donors!

The Netherlands suffers from a significant shortage of organ donors, and many patients who wait too long for an organ transplant pass away each year as a result.

It is therefore crucial to register as many potential organ donors as possible. This issue will be highlighted during Donor Week, which takes place from October 22 to 28 this year.

At present, approximately 7 million Dutch people over the age of 18 have not yet submitted their organ donation preferences to the Donor Register. Though many of these people may be in favour of donating their organs after they die, when someone passes away without having specified their organ donation preferences, it is their immediate family who will have to make the decision.

Not an easy choice to make, especially at such an emotional time, and this is reflected in the statistics: in 2011, 67 percent of the families placed in this position refused to allow the organs and tissues of their deceased relative to be donated.

Registering your personal preferences in advance will spare your loved ones extra grief and ensure that as many organs are donated as possible.

More and more people register their choice to be an organ donor using the online Donorregister. It takes about 2 minutes, and you can use your DigiD code. You can also register to donate blood in the Netherlands here.

Carly Blair


Carly Blair



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