
Historic WW2 footage of the Netherlands

This historic footage was captured for an American audience during WW2. It was intended to inform the Americans of their hard-working ally and thus was entitled, Holland Carries On.

The footage was released by the Instructional Films Division of I.T.&T. in 1945 after being adapted from a Dutch documentary that was commissioned by the Dutch government.

The film looks at the Netherlands during WW2, where despite the circumstances, they carried on building water dams and dikes, portraying a Dutch nation that "never lost faith and carried on the Dutch tradition".

The film also features other imagery of the Netherlands including highways, electric trains, the Dutch navy, the battle for its liberation and the exile and return of Queen Wilhelmina.

Kiri Scully


Kiri Scully

Raised a global citizen, to an Irish father and American mother, Kiri has lived and worked in five countries over three continents. Fuelled by culture curiosity at an early age,...

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