Filing your Dutch income tax 2015 is easy with Blue Umbrella
Don't know where to start with filing your Dutch tax return? Curious about your refund opportunities? Want to avoid accountants who overcharge?
Blue Umbrella offers a unique online income tax return filing service for a flat fee of only 125 euros.
Taxes simplified and in English
Filing your Dutch income tax return for 2015 is surprisingly straightforward. Once you sign up with Blue Umbrella tax advisors you can use their quick and simple online service to submit your tax form in English.
One of Blue Umbrella’s advisors will review your tax form before it is submitted to the Dutch Tax Office. You will also automatically receive an extension for your tax filing dates, so there are no worries about missing deadlines!
The benefits of Blue Umbrella's tax service
Here are a few good reasons to file your income tax return with Blue Umbrella:
› Extend your tax deadline
Your income tax 2015 is due on April 30, 2016. When you register, Blue Umbrella will automatically extend your deadline until October 1, 2016, for free.
› A flat fee of 125 euros
Blue Umbrella handles all types of Dutch income tax returns at the same flat fee of 125 euros, regardless of how complex your non-business personal tax situation might be. Internationals who enjoy the 30% ruling are also included in this offer.
› Identify tax benefits
Blue Umbrella will identify any areas that may require further investigation to ensure you make use of the tax benefits you are entitled to. After all, why should you have to pay more than the Dutch?
› Three simple steps
Blue Umbrella provides an easy system with clear instructions for you to file your taxes in three simple steps:
1. Sign up for the Blue Tax service
2. Check in on your MyBlue Page
3. Fill in the easy-to-use tax questionnaire. All in plain English, quickly and simply.
Extra help for businesses and families
Blue Umbrella also offers additional services for small businesses, families and individuals who want to make life easier and keep their tax administration under control. These include:
› Beyond tax support for small business owners
Starting a business is a rewarding, life-changing process, but with many critical questions. It can be a challenge to know where and how to find the answers, especially if you are not familiar with the Dutch regulatory business environment.
This is where Blue Umbrella’s "Blue Business" service comes into play. This specialised service frees you from your administrative burden so you can invest your time in what really matters: building your company.
Blue Business is designed for the small business owner who is not familiar with the Dutch legal, fiscal and regulatory environment.
Whether you’re considering self-employment or already operate as a sole proprietor business owner or limited company, contact Blue Umbrella to find out how Blue Business can handle your legal, tax and regulatory affairs.
› Tax experts for expat families
When it comes to tax, Blue Umbrella is dedicated to making the life of internationals in the Netherlands easier. They act as an English-speaking interface between you and the Dutch Tax Office, specialising in Dutch income tax refunds and the childcare allowance (kinderopvangtoeslag).
As childcare costs in the Netherlands are relatively high, Blue Umbrella has developed a free online tool to quickly calculate how much allowance you should be reimbursed by the Dutch government.
The childcare allowance is available for parents who are (temporarily) working or studying in the Netherlands, irrespective of your nationality or the type of childcare you have chosen to use. You can still receive this allowance, even if you are tax exempt.
Calculate your childcare allowance here.
› Receive your tax correspondence online with Blue Mail
Complicated tax jargon is enough to get your head in a spin - for a simple solution sign up for Blue Mail! Blue Umbrella's tax mail service ensures you receive all your Dutch tax correspondence conveniently online.
For each new request, Blue Umbrella informs you, in plain English, what you need to do. It is that simple. Comply with changing regulations. Don't worry about tax penalties. Blue Umbrella will keep you informed!
Start today and sign-up with Blue Umbrella to file your income tax return.
Contact Blue Umbrella
To find out more about submitting your tax you can contact Blue Umbrella by:
› Filling in their online form
› Calling 020 468 75 60
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