
Coronavirus update (May 28): 45.950 confirmed cases

Coronavirus update (May 28): 45.950 confirmed cases


The RIVM (National Institute for Public Health and Environment) reports that, since the last update, another 182 people in the Netherlands have tested positive for COVID-19, the illness that is caused by the new coronavirus. This means that the new total of infected people is 45.950. 

Coronavirus situation in the Netherlands

Of the 45.950 people infected, another 32 people have died since yesterday*, May 27, bringing the death toll to 5.903. In total, 11.713 (+16) patients are or have been admitted to hospital. As not all people are getting tested, the true number of people infected with the new coronavirus is higher than reported. 

*There may be a delay between the day of death and the day that it is reported. 

Date Confirmed cases Hospital admissions Deaths
May 28 45.950 (+182) 11.713 (+16) 5.903 (+32)
May 27 45.768 (+190) 11.697 (+7) 5.871 (+15)
May 26 45.578 (+133) 11.690 (+10) 5.856 (+26)
May 25 45.445 (+209) 11.680 (+8) 5.830 (+8)
May 24 45.236 (+172) 11.672 (+13) 5.822 (+11)
May 23 45.064 (+176) 11.659 (+10) 5.811 (+23)
May 22 44.888 (+188) 11.649 (+9) 5.788 (+13)

Country slowly reopening

At the coronavirus press conference of Tuesday, May 19, Prime Minister Rutte and health minister De Jonge announced the government’s plans to slowly reopen the country are going through as planned, for now. Read about all of the steps here.

Manja van Kesteren


Manja van Kesteren

Managing Editor at IamExpat Media. Manja studied English and Creative & Professional Writing at the University of Wolverhampton in the UK. She has been working as a content editor and...

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