
Coronavirus press conference: Easing restrictions as planned

Coronavirus press conference: Easing restrictions as planned

At the coronavirus press conference of Tuesday, May 19, Prime Minister Rutte and health minister De Jonge repeated the cabinet's plans to slowly reopen the country. The latest figures and advice from the Outbreak Management Team justifies this decision, says Rutte.

He once more stated that it's important that people follow the basic rules, such as working from home if you can and staying home if you have symptoms. "A second coronavirus outbreak will be even worse for our economy", Rutte said.

30 people excluding staff

From June 1, a maximum of 30 people will be allowed in restaurants, theatres and cinemas. Staff is excluded from this number. For cinemas and theatres, this means 30 people per hall/room. A distance of 1.5 metres must be kept unless you belong to the same household. Coffeeshops, saunas, gyms and clubs will remain closed until September 1. 

When it comes to terraces, there is no maximum number to adhere to. However, everyone must be seated and keep 1.5-metre distance (unless you are part of the same household).

Cultural institutions

Cultural institutions may reopen from June 1 as well. This includes concert halls, museums, monuments, venues, music schools and art centres. Visitors will have to keep their distance and make a reservation in advance. The maximum number of visitors allowed at cultural institutions will depend on the building. 


From June 8, primary schools will fully reopen, as well as daycare and afterschool care. Secondary schools will open on June 2. Students will need to adhere to the 1.5-metre distance rule. From June 15, MBO, HBO and universities will reopen, partially. 

In his speech, Rutte thanked the children and teens living in the Netherlands: "It is partly thanks to you that far fewer people had to be admitted to hospital." He also asked them to talk and discuss the country's plans for reopening in class and to come up with additional ideas.

Public transport: Fine 

As previously announced, public transport will resume as normal from June 1. However, you are only supposed to take public transport for necessary trips. Wearing a non-medical mask will be mandatory from this day on as well. Not doing so may result in a fine of 95 euros. 


Manja van Kesteren


Manja van Kesteren

Managing Editor at IamExpat Media. Manja studied English and Creative & Professional Writing at the University of Wolverhampton in the UK. She has been working as a content editor and...

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