
Cashless payments for Amsterdam transport in 2017

With increasing movements towards a cashless society, Amsterdam’s transport company GVB announced January 16 of its aims to make all public transport in the capital cash-free in 2017.

Cashless payments for buses

From March 26, all Amsterdam buses will cease to accept cash payments. For night buses, this rule will already be in effect from February 1.

Trams currently unaffected

Whilst trams are not yet effected, GVB aims to make trams cashless by the end of 2017. The company anticipates the change over will take some time considering that in 2016, 8,2 million cash payments alone were taken by tram conductors.

This was largely due to the amount of tourists who are likely to be the largest group affected by the change.

Making it easier for tourists

According to GVB, travellers purchase about 30.000 tickets per day in Amsterdam, half of which are purchased by tourists.

In an effort to make it easier for tourists, GVB aims to increase the availability of tickets in hotels and tourist hotspots, as well as vending machines at stations and stops.

They have also introduced the Amsterdam Travel Ticket, available at Schiphol, where tourists travelling on an NS train to Amsterdam can travel around the city for several days at a time.

Risks to drivers

These rules were established to reduce the risk of abuse against bus drivers. GVB stated numerous cases where bus drivers had been robbed during their shifts. Cashless payments will also help to prevent delays due to hold-ups.

Paying with credit card

Since September 2016, it has been possible to pay for your bus or tram journey with your bank card. There are currently a total of 550 pin payment machines on board both buses and trams.

OV Chipkaart

Those who already have an auto-load OV Chipkaart will be unaffected by the changes. To opt for automatic credit uploads, be sure to register your OV Chipkaart online

Kiri Scully


Kiri Scully

Raised a global citizen, to an Irish father and American mother, Kiri has lived and worked in five countries over three continents. Fuelled by culture curiosity at an early age,...

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