
Amsterdam to compensate 2.000 households for high energy bills

Amsterdam to compensate 2.000 households for high energy bills

The municipality of Amsterdam is set to compensate 2.000 households across the city for higher heating network costs. The council has allocated four million euros to tackle the issue. 

Many Amsterdam tenants forced to pay more in energy bills

In recent years, many tenants suddenly had to pay hundreds of euros extra a month because energy companies increased rates for utility bills. Amsterdam residents were told by the municipality that if they connected their energy supply to the city heating network, it would improve sustainability and their bills would not increase. 

Despite the promises, many residents did see their utility bills increase significantly, even after signing up for the scheme. "The increase in rates was therefore an unpleasant surprise for them," the municipality says.

Municipality providing compensation to cover the high costs

In order to compensate for the high costs, the municipality has set aside four million euros to pay out to local residents who have overpaid for their energy. "A deal is a deal. This is good news for many residents who have been uncertain about rising costs in recent months," says councillor Dirk de Jager.

It is not yet clear how much compensation each overcharged household will receive. This is likely to differ per residential complex, the municipality has stated.

Thumb image credit: Henk Vrieselaar /



Emily Proctor

Former Editor at IamExpat Media.

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Mandoist 12:52 | 24 June 2024

"It is not yet clear how much compensation each overcharged household will receive" So much for "...a deal is a deal" !!