- NWO crowns best Dutch scientists
- Maastricht University receives two micro grants
- Art buyers spend more on sunny winter days
- Nyenrode Business University: International MBA Challenge
- The benefits of online learning
- Nyenrode Business University: Campus Weekend Experience
- VU Amsterdam on iTunes U
- Hearing heartbeat just like looking each other in the eye
- Win a 1.000 euro scholarship
- Weak performance for Islamic schools
- First foreigner as president of a Dutch university
- Photography competition for students
- Full bladder, better decisions?
- [VIdeos] Noam Chomsky in the Netherlands
- Amsterdam Career Days: employers in conversation with students
- Manifesto in protest at the cuts
- Access to UM student desktop via iPad
- UvA scores high in Tilburg University Economics Ranking
- Utrecht University: No classes on January 21
- TU/e appoints youngest female professor in the Netherlands
- TU Delft develops pen to measure and reduce stress
- Are cities ready for extreme rainfall?
- Google Award for tool that "understands" Dutch texts
- PhD students popular among Dutch employers
- Penalties for study delay
- TU Delft: New studenthousing on campus
- Veni grant for 19 young researchers at UvA and AMC
- Utrecht University education has excellent international reputation
- Queen Beatrix to open new UvA building