
CBE: Inclusive learning for students with hearing and sight impairments

CBE: Inclusive learning for students with hearing and sight impairments


Register now for winter courses!

You may have recently read the exciting news that claims Rotterdammers speak the best non-native English in the world – not just in the Benelux or in Europe, but in the whole world!

According to the article, Rotterdam can boast that due to its maritime history and current cosmopolitan population, its inhabitants are more adept than the Andorrans, better than the Beirutians and superior to Singaporeans when it comes to English. Hoorah!

Alas, on closer inspection, it seems this may not have been the most accurate of reports as it was based on reading and listening skills only. Can you really be considered the best at a language if the active skills, such as speaking and writing, are not taken into account? Also, what if you have hearing difficulties, but can communicate perfectly well in sign language? (more on that below!)

Being proficient in a language comes down to more than just comprehending it in written form or understanding what someone is saying to you – being “good” at a language surely means having the ability to communicate with other people and being aware of how to adjust your language depending on the situation and who you’re communicating with!

Inclusive learning for deaf students

As mentioned above, what about learners with hearing difficulties or profound deafness? Regular lessons offered at most schools do not cater for students with hearing impairments, but CBE Languages is excited to announce that they will soon be offering language courses in Sign, given by an experienced teacher, who is hearing-impaired, and fully understands the needs of her students.

Get certified by Cambridge Assessment English!

CBE strives to help you develop all forms of communication skills and sometimes you want, or need, to get those skills approved by a recognised body – a certificate to show off that you can walk the walk, as well as talk the talk. CBE Languages

Staatsexamen II training is on offer for CBE’s learners of Dutch and for their English learners, they offer group and private training for the B2 First, C1 Advanced and C2 Proficiency Cambridge exams. As a certified Cambridge Assessment English centre, CBE can provide the entire Cambridge package – from high-quality test preparation, all the way through to the exam itself - all under one roof!

By choosing a recognised Cambridge Assessment English test centre like CBE Languages, you’ll be safe in the knowledge that your achievement will be recognised by all appropriate employers, academic institutions and government agencies. You might also be interested to know that the Cambridge exams also cater to those with physical or learning difficulties.

Extra time or modified papers can be offered for sight-impaired candidates (larger print or braille) and there is the option to sit the listening test in another room with a hearing apparatus or with a lip-reader.

New year, new inspiration!

New courses will be starting in the new year and they are looking to fill up fast! In order to secure a place, get in touch now for a free intake or pop in during the open registration days in December and January and meet CBE’s wonderful team. Courses run from January 20, 2020, and run for 6 or 11 weeks.


For inquiries and registrations, email CBE at You are also welcome to call 010-282 7820 or pop in during one of the open days at Haagseveer 62, 3011 DA, Rotterdam.

About CBE Languages

CBE Languages is an independent language school, owned and run by teachers for the benefit of both the teachers and students. CBE is Rotterdam’s longest-running independent language school and proud to still be going strong with the same ideals and values with which they started. At CBE, they are specialists in their field and they put all their energy into creating the most comfortable learning environment possible for all students.

CBE Languages graduation



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