
Various postdoc positions available in FLOW – Protein Quality for Health

Research / Academic

Join the 23 M€ research consortium FLOW – Protein Quality for Health: an interdisciplinary network of leading Dutch research groups in protein folding, aggregation and degradation, from single molecule to cells.

Your job
FLOW aims to uncover the molecular principles of how the cellular protein quality-control network modulates the fate of proteins from cradle to grave. Molecular chaperones and the degradation machinery determine the fate of proteins, and failure to do so leads to diseases as divergent as neurodegeneration or cystic fibrosis. The FLOW consortium, a unique and highly interdisciplinary team, aims to discover, rebuild and control the triaging of protein fate. We do this by combining biochemical, biophysical, cell biological, computational, and genetic methods, from single molecule to cell.

For a description of each job opportunity, please check the vacancies on the FLOW website.


To see if your profile fits our requirements, please check the vacancies on the FLOW website.

Salary Benefits:

We offer:

  • a fully funded position for three years;
  • a working week of 38 hours and a gross monthly salary between €3,226 and €5,090 in the case of full-time employment (salary scale 10 under the Collective Labour Agreement for Dutch Universities (CAO NU));
  • 8% holiday pay and 8.3% year-end bonus;
  • a pension scheme, partially paid parental leave, and flexible terms of employment based on the CAO NU.

Note: while overall conditions are similar, certain details may differ per institution. Positions are available at Utrecht University, University of Twente, UMCG, University of Groningen, LUMC, Leiden University, RadboudUMC and Radboud University. In addition to the terms of employment laid down in the CAO NU (for the universities) and CAO UMC (for the university medical centers), the various institutions have a number schemes and facilities of its own for employees. These include agreements on facilitating professional development, leave and sports and cultural activities, as well as discounts on software and other IT products. In this way, they encourage their employees to continue investing in their growth.

Work Hours:

36 - 40 hours per week


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