
Travis Road Services

Travis Road Services - Company logo
Company phone number: 
+31 (0)88 1148900

We are TRAVIS, a software scale-up based in Tilburg, the Netherlands. Our platform connects thousands of transport companies with more than 1500 service providers like truck wash stations, workshops, and secured parking lots all over Europe. With TRAVIS, carriers can take full control of their fleet's service use, for a fraction of the price and most importantly... without any hassle. Perhaps you're not quite sure yet as to what this all means. Rest assured, we just need a day or two and you'll be all up to scratch. Believe us when we tell you that the European truck wash industry alone, business worth hundreds of millions. Oh, we also believe trucks are fully autonomous by 2030. And that's when things really get interesting. Want to be there when it happens? Jump on board and enjoy the ride.