
Number of suicides increased

1.600 people in the Netherlands committed suicide last year, according to the latest figures by Statistics Netherlands.

The number of suicides increased for the third consecutive year; the suicide mortality rate is 9,6 per 100.000, an increase by more than 17 percent relative to 2007.

More insights
 the most frequently used methods are suicide by hanging, strangling or suffocating
 nearly 60 percent of victims (both genders) were 40 to 65 years old
 for 15 to 30 year olds, suicide is the main cause of death before fatal traffic accidents and cancer
 for 30 to 45 year olds, suicide is the main cause of death after cancer and cardiovascular diseases
 seven in ten victims were men
 the suicide mortality rate is approximately the same as in the period 2000 - 2005




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