
Job burnout rate

The percentage of employed developing burnout symptoms has increased to 13 percent (11 percent) in 2010 (2007), according to the latest figures by Statistics Netherlands.

Burnout symptoms
"Exceptional fatigue and feelings of exhaustion are typical of job burnout. These symptoms are defined also as emotional exhaustion. People suffering from job burnout show a low level of professional commitment and have the feeling they are unable to cope with the demands their position requires.

Measuring burnout focuses on emotional exhaustion referring to five symptoms indicating "emotional exhaustion," "empty feeling inside," "tired in the morning," "exhausted by work-related activities" and "feeling worn-out." Each statement has a score ranging between 1 (never) and 7 (every day). People with an average score of 3,21 or higher are diagnosed for burnout."

Note that the job burnout rate:
 is marginally higher among higher educated
 is relatively low among young employed
 varies according to sector

Job burnout symptoms by age and level of education (2010)

Job burnout symptoms by sector (2010)



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