
[Spring 2016] ACCESS Magazine


ACCESS Magazine is a quarterly lifestyle publication written for and by the international community in the Netherlands. The magazine is published four times per year and aims at enlightening, informing and connecting all international expat readers.

About ACCESS Spring 2016 magazine

The Spring 2016 edition of the ACCESS Magazine is the first to come out as a printed copy, as previous editions took the shape of an e-zine. You can still read the online version here.

Main theme: Discretely delicious

ACCESS Magazine 2016 is tackling the topic of Dutch food in its Spring edition. Writer Alice Burke reflects on the joy to be found in appeltaart, fried fish and hagelslag.

Other articles describe the tastiest treats in Limburg and daring dishes in restaurants "outside the comfort zone" in Amsterdam. Discover a new kind of takeaway and a book on the ins and outs of shopping at the market.

Besides the main topic you can read about subjects such as the myriad of music festivals in the Netherlands, how to get out of your bad habits, female leadership and choosing an international secondary school.


ACCESS is a not-for-profit organisation that supports the international community in the Netherlands.

It is staffed by an enthusiastic team of around 115 volunteers from more than 35 countries, all of whom are trained to provide comprehensive information, advice and support, and who are empathetic to the experience of internationals.




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