
[May 12-13, Berlin] Google+ Euro Photowalk

The first annual Google+ Euro Photowalk!

Get ready for two exciting, instructional, and fun-filled photography days (May 12-13) on the streets of one of Europe's most inspiring cities, Berlin.

You can choose between an instructional Long Exposure / Architectural route and a Street Photography route each day to shoot alongside and learn from some of Europe's best photographers!

Everyone is welcome, from iPhone shooters to professionals.

 To register press here
 For more info join the Google+ Euro Photowalk 2012 in Berlin

photowalk berlin

Free photography lessons
When you sign up for the LE/Architectural Photowalk in Berlin on May 12-13 you have the option to also signup for FREE photography lessons.

Each morning before the photowalk begins Joel Tjintjelaar, Julia Anna Gospodarou and Athena Carey will spend an hour with you covering the essentials of Long Exposure Photography and Architectural Photography.

A previous interview with Joel Tjintjelaar can be found here.

Charalampos Sergios


Charalampos Sergios

Sergios is a co-founder of IamExpat. His main interests include online communities and long exposure photography.

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